The increase in demand for Diversity and Inclusion professionals reflects the increasing importance of these issues for organizations. Corporate culture is no longer about “fitting in,” but rather about creating an environment where diverse employees can feel included and contribute in valuable ways. However, “adaptation to work culture” was not completely ruled out. By moving away from “work culture fit” to “cultural affinity,” companies continue to highlight the importance of “culture” in building successful teams. So what does it mean to “hire for work culture fit” and why is it important? The importance of “hiring according to adaptation to the work culture” Hiring for work culture fit is the practice of hiring for value alignment (a value congruence, as Chatman called it in his article). Values are the foundations of a company. They are the pillars on which the company grows and develops, and the operating principles that determine how a company does what it does. The meta-analyses of several studies on people's adjustment at work published by Kristof-Brown.
Showed that better alignment between the employee and the organization leads to greater job satisfaction, better employee commitment, and increased retention. Hiring for work culture fit means evaluating whether the candidate's values align with the organization's values, so you can hire employees who can thrive in that organization and contribute positively to the team as a whole. Culture, diversity, innovation: can Brazil Phone Number Data companies have it all? Can companies hire for work culture fit while increasing diversity and innovation? Of course. In fact, companies must hire paying attention to these three aspects (culture, diversity and innovation) to benefit from all of them individually. In their article “Diverse teams feel less comfortable, and this is how they perform better” in the Harvard Business Review magazine, David Rock, Heidi Grant and Jacqui Gray emphasize that, for diversity to work, it must be supported by values. common. “Diversity is not a panacea and can sometimes produce corrosive conflicts. When that happens, it's usually because team members bring different values, rather than different ideas.
It is difficult to overcome differences in values, no matter how good intentions your colleagues have.” “Diverse teams are less comfortable, and that's how they perform better,” Harvard Business Review, written by David Rock, Heidi Grant, and Jacqui Gray Some studies showed that diverse teams are more innovative and achieve better business results. They can do the following: Make more objective decisions Encourage and challenge each other more frequently Process information more carefully Innovate faster Earn higher profits Hiring based on work culture fit should be based on value congruence, not how well the candidate reflects the interviewer's own beliefs and preferences, a common drawback called “mirror merit.” Additionally, when hiring is values-based, it helps stimulate both diversity and innovation in the company. Evolve your culture with meaningful additions Company culture is a living thing that changes and grows along with the organization. Trying to maintain culture by hiring people who “fit in” can stifle company growth. What you should do, instead, is evolve your culture through intentional additions that can enhance your expanding team.