For example, for sectors such as: Home delivery, 24-hour services, locksmiths, plumbers, car rental , etc. For this type of advertiser it is a good idea to use Call Only campaigns , which are only active on mobile devices, their operation is simple, once people click on the ad they are automatically directed to the phone application to make the call . This type of ads looks a little different than regular ads in the following elements: The call button is more it is gray and located at the bottom. In call-only campaigns it is mandatory to place the phone number in the first line; in regular ads this is taken as bad practice. The name of the company must be included on line number 2 The advertiser only needs a website where the phone numbers are present so that Google can verify that they are valid.
#6 – Include geographic location in Korea Phone Number Data ads To reinforce the message and increase the chances of winning the click of the person who makes the query, we cannot forget to include in some of the lines of the Google AdWords ad the city where the campaign is directed, for this we can use phrases and calls to action as the following example shows. #7- Landing page designed to position your company on Google The landing page is responsible for receiving all the traffic, therefore, responsible for the visitor finally making the long-awaited conversion.

As it is a locally oriented campaign, at the top of the landing page there must be a landline or mobile telephone number and the address of the premises or office if it is necessary for people to visit it to close the sale. It seems obvious, but you can't imagine the number of companies that fail to place this information visible on the landing page, thus losing opportunities to be contacted. Regarding the organization of the content and the design of a landing page, we cannot take anything for granted and we must be very explicit in each of the elements that make it up.