The role of the criminologist expert has become crucial in the understanding and prevention of crimes , encompassing a series of specialized functions ranging from investigation to legal advice. Do you want to know more about this professional from the world of criminology? Don't miss any details because in this article we are going to explain what a criminologist expert is, what his or her main tasks are and what profile he or she must have to perform his or her duties. What does a criminologist expert do? The criminologist expert performs several key functions in the fight against crime and the application of justice: Criminal analysis.
Their work includes the interpretation of criminal patterns, evaluation of criminal behavior and study of criminal trends. Forensic investigation : Collaborates with law enforcement to examine crime scenes, analyze Fax Lists evidence, and provide expert reports in trials. Psychological evaluation : Conduct psychological evaluations of offenders, victims or witnesses to understand motivations and behaviors. Legal advice : Offers specialized knowledge to lawyers and judges, providing key information for criminal cases. Crime prevention : Participate in the design and implementation of preventive strategies in communities or institutions.

What to study to be a criminologist expert? To be a criminologist expert in Spain, it is necessary to obtain a university degree in Criminology or related areas, with a specialization in expert testimony. Some steps to become one include: University studies Complete a bachelor's degree in Criminology or related disciplines. Specialized training Complete an official mention in Criminological Expertise and Criminalistics. Practical experience Acquire work experience in the field of criminology or criminal investigation. What skills should a criminologist expert have? A criminologist expert must possess a combination of technical skills.