Cervus_elaphus_Luc_Viatour_1 Source: Lviatour Love must be earned. We all know it. Also the deer, which demonstrate this every autumn by thundering through the forests with their bellowing, although for them it is more a matter of putting on their antlers. Every year the deer of our country compete to win the favor of the females to perpetuate themselves. To guarantee the future of the species , males compete for power and hierarchy under the watchful eye of females. And travelers, who can attend the procession. In Spain there are places where you can go to see and hear the rut : first the guttural sounds of the males and the marks they have left throughout the territory alerting the rest of the competitors of their presence.
Then, the blows on the ground with the horns. Finally, the fight, not bloody, to declare winner and loser. deer By Arturo de Frias Marques The usual Berrea season begins in mid- September and ends in mid- October . If temperatures drop and the rains come early, the rutting starts earlier. The entire territory notices the moment: the bark of the Colombia Mobile Number List trees disappears because the deer have rubbed their antlers against them to remove the velvet that covers them; The earth is disturbed because the deer have urinated to mark it; The rest of the animals are warned, because the deer continually scream at the air and at the females. deer By Luc Viatour After the rut, eight months later, a fawn will be born , which will not be separated from the mother until the next birth.

The males, for their part, will return to the forest to spend the winter alone. These are the places where you can see the rut in Spain: 1. La Berrea in the Cabañeros National Park The Cabañeros National Park is located between the provinces of Ciudad Real and Toledo (Castilla la Mancha). The Park organizes guided 4×4 tours to the Raña de Cabañeros to attend the Berrea.Thus, with force it strains through the tube and sends the water upwards in the form of a jet. Those who are on the cliff at that time will be able to see a type of geyser that can reach up to two dozen meters. When the tide is low and the water does not arrive, you can hear the noise of the air seeping through the hole. They are called that because through them, the earth snorts.