Can prepare and organize the information before facing the terrifying blank page, so that you have the topic very clear in your mind. In fact, some advise leaving the introduction for last, since the text can “evolve” in a different way than planned as you write it. But you can choose the one that is most connected to your style. Imagine who your ideal reader is Who will your article be written for? What are your goals, interests and needs when reading the text? Think about what type of person your target audience is and then try to imagine what matters to them. To do this, just answer a few questions: What is the reader's biggest concern? What is he afraid of? What are the goals my reader wants to achieve? What is his ambition? In other words, show a problem and show that you have the solution! Create your first paragraph by showing how your content can help the reader avoid what he is afraid of or, what is the same, conquer what he aspires to. Find out what your reader's speaking tone is It is important to know what the appropriate tone is to communicate with him.
The appropriate tone creates a more personal Chinese Australia Phone Number List communication and, therefore, greater engagement. For example, talking to a teenager about fashion is very different from talking to a lawyer about the real estate market. ADVERTISEMENT Each of these types of readers requires a different tone of conversation. This can be exploited through colloquial expressions, more formal texts and even more technical vocabulary. Understand the concept of Buyer Persona All of these aspects (tone of speech, type of problem, possible solution, etc.
depend a lot on the person for whom you are writing. Much more than simply redirecting a text with a target audience in mind, it is important to know how to recognize the Buyer Persona of your text , the general profile of your reader (habits, behavior, interests, among other characteristics). This way, you will have an easier time understanding what your reader's main pains and difficulties are, and you will also know how to make a text introduction aimed at solving their problems. In this free material you will learn how to create a buyer persona! Go from the general to the particular Once you h